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Help reduce and eliminate night terrors.


Night terrors can be distressing for a family, resulting in lack of sleep and irritableness. Using the Sleep Guardian 2 to schedule intermittent awakening you can head off night terrors before they start. This device is proven to become progressively more effective with use.

How does it work?

  • Connect to the Lully app and answer just four questions.
  • Place the pod under the mattress and set the vibration level.
  • Let your child sleep, knowing the pod will vibrate when needed.

Benefits & Features

Intermittent wakening

A series of scheduled intermittent gentle vibrations will lightly rouse your child, encouraging them to move without fully waking, thus reducing the likelihood of a night terror starting.

Smartphone app

The app uses your answers to ascertain a sleep pattern, this information along with updates you give regarding the severity and frequency of the night terrors, help improve its performance and show you your child’s progress.

Convenient pod

The unit is a small vibrating pod which you place under the mattress, which is easily removed and portable so you can take it with you when you sleep away for the night. The unit works on thicker mattresses by increasing the vibration level.

You may find the answer to
your question here

Yes, the unit works equally well for adult night terrors.

Yes, you will need an iOS compatible device to be able to use the Lully app.

No, by using a low energy Bluetooth connection which is 1200 times weaker than most phone radio waves, the unit is perfectly safe.