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Zeeq Smart Pillow

A high tech multi-function pillow
designed to make sleeping relaxing.


Zeeq’s innovative 3 axis accelerometer pillow with 8 inbuilt speakers provides many functions, to detect and prevent snoring. It offers wireless music and audio through Bluetooth, a sleep cycle alarm clock, plus many others to aid you to sleep and help to keep you asleep. It will also wake you gently with its smart alarm.

How does it work?

  • Lay down and pop your head on your Zeeq pillow, set your comfort level by adjusting the internal memory foam
  • Set your preferred sleeping and waking settings.
  • Then let Zeeq help you sleep free of snoring to wake you feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Benefits & Features

Sleep quality monitor

Zeeq app monitors any snoring as well as the movements you make during sleep to give you a helpful nightly sleep analysis report

Snore detection

Zeeq’s 3 axis accelerometer and audio sensors set off gentle vibrations at a pre-set sound level so that you adjust your sleeping position and stop snoring.

Audio functions

Zeeq is smart home compatible with Amazon Echo, streaming apps, audio books, or you can listen to sounds that soothe you, or your favourite music all through Zeeq’s inbuilt speaker system to help you gently drift into sleep.

You may find the answer to
your question here

No, Zeeq has an inbuilt battery with an extended 2-week battery life.

Zeeq comes with its own remote control, which is cleverly stored in a pocket on the pillow, or you can adjust settings using a compatible android or iOS device.

No, Zeeq’s outer pillow casing is made from Tencel botanic fabric, perfect for wicking away moisture and regulating temperature.